Luoghi di valore /Outstanding Places

Un’esperienza nel territorio di Treviso, nel solco della Convenzione Europea del Paesaggio

An experiment in the Province of Treviso, in the wake of the European Landscape Convention

a cura di/edited by Simonetta Zanon

Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche with Antiga Edizioni

Treviso 2016

bilingual edition, in Italian and English

324 pages,

804 illustrations in colour and 11 in black and white, with 1 map annexed

cover price 25 euros, ISBN 978-88-99657-27-7

(Memorie/monografie, 16)


The volume contains contributions by Anna Lovisetto, Domenico Luciani, Joan Nogué, Massimo Rossi, as well as the editor of the book, Simonetta Zanon.

With the aim of experimenting the principles of the European Landscape Convention, founded on the needs of educating and raising the awareness of citizens, the Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche invited citizens to identify landscapes and places in the Province of Treviso and thus to participate in a collective research project through which to express, about this topic, their own opinions, aspirations and desires.

The 749 nominations, collected in the six annual editions of the Outstanding Places project (2007-2012), recount the point of view of the single individuals and communities who live in the places nominated, with their various social and cultural backgrounds, daily needs, feelings and experiences of life. Hundreds of citizens, scores of public administrators, schools, associations, experts and scholars, contributed to the project, which has grown in scale over the years and aroused the interest of the international scientific community.

The contents of the nominations transcend the initiative’s narrow geographical scope. They constitute an extraordinary key to tackling wider questions of more universal dimension, beginning with that of the person/place and community/place relationship which, in various ways, has increasingly come to the fore as the essential ingredient of what Domenico Luciani, inventor of the project, has called “our own position in the world”.

As Joan Nogué writes in his Preface to the book, “Slowly and unobtrusively the idea is beginning to gain ground that a pleasant, harmonious environment creates an agreeable sense of wellbeing and considerably enhances people’s quality life […] It is on the move, on people’s lips: all that is needed is to listen to it, question it, give it voice, as in this case”.

There exist places that, in different degrees, are essential for our peacefulness, because they create a kind of link, a point of contact and interaction between global phenomena and the individual experience. Through places we give significance to the world and we move in it; or, to quote the words of Ippolito Pizzetti, it is precisely a place that “helps me to seek my access to the world”.



Luoghi di valore

Joan Nogué, Prefazione, 7

I “luoghi di valore” della provincia di Treviso nelle segnalazioni dei cittadini, 11

Simonetta Zanon, L’officina del progetto, 83

Anna Lovisetto, Lettura delle segnalazioni, 113

Domenico Luciani, Appunti in corso d’opera sulle relazioni tra luogo e persone, 145

Massimo Rossi, Per una geografia dei “luoghi di valore”, 152

Dichiarazioni della giuria del Premio Carlo Scarpa, 167

Cronologia, 173

Interviste, 177

Outstanding Places

Joan Nogué, Preface, 183

“Outstanding places” in the Province of Treviso as nominated by citizens of the area, 185

Simonetta Zanon, Ongoing work for a project, 209

Anna Lovisetto, An analysis of the nominations, 232

Domenico Luciani, Interim notes on the relationship between place and people, 252

Massimo Rossi, For a geography of “outstanding places”, 261

Statements of the Jury of the Carlo Scarpa Prize, 276

Chronology, 283

Interviews, 287

List of illustrations, 291

Carta dei “luoghi di valore”/Map of “outstanding places”, 294

Tabelle/Tables, 296

Bibliografia/Bibliography, 300

Referenze sulle illustrazioni/Photo credits, 309

Indice dei nomi/Index of names, 310


Simonetta Zanon has worked at the Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche since 1992 as supervisor of the Foundation’s projects and research on landscape. She has participated in conferences and seminars, in Italy and abroad; given numerous lectures in various universities; and published various contributions, mainly on historic gardens and on the Outstanding Places research project itself. She is part of the editorial board of the review Architettura del Paesaggio.