The garden in our times and in our world
International Landscape Study Days
2016, first seminar
6th-7th February
After fifteen years of experience the debate and scientific work connected with the prize have led to the idea of organising “study days”, offering an extended (public) occasion for reflection and comparison, revolving each time around a well-defined field (as far as possible) in the vast sphere of landscapes and gardens.
The first experiment, in 2004, is on the subject the garden in our times and in our world.
The jury members of the prize and some extremely well-known scholars will spend two days debating: the sense and condition of the garden in today’s world; its current (and potential) position in the metamorphosis of taste; the reasons and methods of a philological and operative commitment to knowing the history (of the idea, the thing), to exploiting the testimonies, to renewing and reinventing the possible forms and lives of the garden in our civilisation (European, western). They will try to offer suggestions and critical information on the studies and research in this field, on training experiences, publications and significant works.