International Landscape Study Days
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Treviso, spazi Bomben |
The theme for the 2025 International Landscape Study Days revolves around the key word underground.
Thursday 20th February
> h 10am – 10.30am
Introduction to Study Days 2025 by the curators Luigi Latini and Simonetta Zanon
> h 10.30am – 1pm
· One thousand and one caves. Darkness and sleep of Time, Matteo Meschiari, Associate professor of Geography, University of Palermo
· Terra Forma. Giving depth to the surface, Alexandra Arènes, Architect and researcher at Shaā
· Imaginaries from the underground, Mariabruna Fabrizi and Fosco Lucarelli, Architects, curators and associate professors, EAVT Paris-Est
> h 1.30pm – 2.15pm
A look at underground Treviso
Bastione di Santa Sofia, guided visit organised together with the association “Treviso sotterranea”
(for Study Days participants, reservation required, duration 20 minutes)
> h 3pm – 5.30pm
· ‘Behind’ vs. ‘under’ the landscape, Michael Jakob, Academy of Architecture, Mendrisio
· Geoarchitectural Histories, Galaad Van Daele, Researcher, ETH Zürich
· The search for water in Trieste and the discovery of the underground river Timavo, Marco Restaino, Speleologist, President of the Società Adriatica di Speleologia, Trieste
> h 5.30pm
Il buco, a film by Michelangelo Frammartino (Italy, 2021, 93’)
Screening introduced by the director
Friday 21st February
> h 10am – 11.30am
· Invisible landscapes: the underground connections between roots, fungi and bacteria, Paola Bonfante, Professor Emeritus of Plant Biology, University of Turin
· In a hole in the ground there lived… a bee. Journey among inhabitants of the underworld, Elena Antoniolli, Architect and PhD in Landscape Architecture
> h 12pm – 1pm
On the side of fire. Rites, approaches and cultivation practices in the landscape Presentation of the book edited by Luigi Latini and Simonetta Zanon (Fondazione Benetton-Antiga Edizioni, Treviso 2024) by the editors and Marco Belpoliti, writer and essayist, University of Bergamo, author of To rescue fire, introductory essay of the book
> h 3pm – 5.30pm
· ‘I feel it under my shoes’, Paolo Bürgi, professor, Landscape architect, Camorino
· Underground water and gardens, Henry Bava, Agence Ter, Paris
· Inside out, outside in, Catherine Mosbach, mosbach paysagistes, Paris