The concept of place

International Landscape Study Days, 2010, seventh edition
-, from -

Friday 5th February
9.30 am-1 pm
Carmen Añón, Place as nomos.
Maurizio Paolillo, The “re-invention” of place as “rediscovery” in Chinese tradition.
Massimo Venturi Ferriolo, Place as ethos.
Tom Simons, Place as “radura”.
Margherita Azzi Visentini, Place as island.

3 pm-5.30 pm
Simonetta Zanon, “Values” of place.
Ugo Morelli, Mindscape-landscape: place, events, landscape from the relational mind of the observer.
Luigi Latini, Place and modification.
Lionello Puppi, Metamorphosis of a concept: places of water, fire and wind.

6 pm
Presentation of Petrarca e i suoi luoghi. Spazi reali e paesaggi poetici alle origini del moderno senso della natura, edited by Domenico Luciani and Monique Mosser, Edizioni Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche-Canova, Treviso 2009 (series “Memorie”, 13). Carmen Añón, Nerte Dautier and Ugo Dotti will speak about it, in the presence of the editors.

9 pm
Lecture by Francesco Remotti on Claude Lévi-Strauss, illustrated with video footage taken from Claude Lévi-Strauss par lui-même by Pierre-André Boutang and Annie Chevallay (2008) and À propos de Tristes tropiques by Jean-Pierre Beaurenaut, Jorge Bodanzky and Patrick Menget (1991).


Saturday 6th February
9.30 am-11.30 am
Tilde Giani Gallino, Places of attatchment.
Massimo Quaini, From class-consciousness to place-consciousness.
Domenico Luciani, Place and dimension.

12 am
Maguelonne Déjeant-Pons, Research and experimentation on places. A european perspective.


Carmen Añón, Madrid University, International Committee on Historic Gardens and Sites (ICOMOS);
Margherita Azzi Visentini, Politecnico of Milano;
Maguelonne Déjeant-Pons, Council of Europe;
Tilde Giani Gallino, University of Torino;
Luigi Latini, University of Venezia-IUAV;
Domenico Luciani, Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche, Treviso;
Ugo Morelli, University of Bergamo, Scuola per il governo del territorio e del paesaggio, Trento (STEP);
Monique Mosser, Advanced School of Architecture at Versailles-CNRS, International Committee on Historic Gardens and Sites (ICOMOS);
Maurizio Paolillo, University of Salento;
Lionello Puppi, University of Venezia-Ca’ Foscari (professor emeritus);
Massimo Quaini, University of Genova;
Francesco Remotti, University of Torino;
Tom Simons, Otaniemi University of Technology (Helsinki) (professor emeritus);
Massimo Venturi Ferriolo, Politecnico of Milano;
Simonetta Zanon, Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche, Treviso.