The experience of silence and sound in the landscape
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Treviso, spazi Bomben |
International Landscape Study Days
2024, twentieth edition
The programme for this edition encourages reflection on acoustic elements in landscapes in all of their forms, including sounds, noises, music, voices and silence. It looks at them from the various cultural perspectives around which soundscape studies have developed from the late 1960s onwards, such as ecology, landscape, garden art, architecture, philosophy, pedagogy, literature, and cinema.
first day
Thursday 22nd February 2024
Opening, introduction, Luigi Latini and Simonetta Zanon, conference curators
Geographical silences
Joan Nogué, professor of Human Geography, University of Girona
The role of Ecoacoustics in conservation ecology
Almo Farina, Honorary professor of Ecology, University of Urbino
The acoustic dimension of landscape
Christophe Girot, professor of Landscape Architecture, ETH Zürich
On landscape and representation: from its optical and perspectival origins to acoustic observations
Francesco Bergamo, researcher in Drawing, Iuav University, Venice
For whom the soundscape tolls
Nicola Di Croce, sound artist, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow Iuav University, Venice
Healthy cities and the quest for a quiet life. Policies and practices for sustainable urban development
Antonella Radicchi, architect and urbanist, independent expert for the European Research Executive Agency and the European Urban Initiative
Dusk Chorus
screening of the film by Nika Šaravanja and Alessandro D’Emilia (Italy, 2017, 62’)
based on the project Fragments of Extinction by David Monacchi
introduced by David Monacchi (composer, Conservatorio Statale, Pesaro)
second day
Friday 23rd February 2024
Crossing the border, listening to rurality
Leandro Pisano, curator and independent researcher
“Sileo”. Level zero of the landscape in educational relationships
Lorena Rocca, professor of Human Geography and Geography didactics, University of Padua / The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland
“Un suono in estinzione”: an art, science and popularization project
Sergio Maggioni (aka NEUNAU), sound designer and researcher, and Filippo Rosati, president of the art platform Umanesimo Artificiale, introduction by Matteo Vianello, independent researcher, fellow 2023 in Fondazione Benetton
Sound, silence, noise and… music in a forest
Jérôme Sueur, professor of Ecology, Muséum national d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris
Starfield Simulation, site specific sound art projects in the Scania Park
Frans Gillberg, landscape architect, Malmö
“Faire-jardin”, building a transdisciplinary approach
Diane Schuh, landscape architect, musician, Paris
Sound gardens
Nadine Schütz, sound architect, soundscape composer, Paris/Zürich