
Vajont. New landscape


Exhibition of the competition designs “improvement of access to the Vajont landslide area.” Memory pathway experimental simulation of guided itinerary by Marco Tonon. Stereoscopic tours three-dimensional images in the Vajont…

The case of Jasenovac in the debate over historical sites

public study seminar on the Prize-winning site and its context

10 am-1 pm auditorium of Palazzo Bomben Treviso, via Cornarotta 7   Also present Bogdan Bogdanovic, the architect of the landscape of Jasenovac. Coordinator, Domenico Luciani. programme Heike Karge, Memoria,…

Val Bavona

public seminar and award ceremony

On the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Carlo Scarpa (1906-1978), the scientific activities associated with the International Prize that bears his name again offer an in-depth focus…


Petrarch and his places

International Landscape Study Days, 2005, second seminar

programme of the days

, from -
Copenhagen (Denmark), Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University

Kongenshus Mindepark

public seminar on Nature, Science and Art

On the occasion of the award of the International Carlo Scarpa Prize for Gardens to the Memorial Park at Kongenshus, the Benetton Foundation organised a public seminar on…

, from -
Copenaghen (Danimarca), Facoltà di agraria

Kongenshus Mindepark

public seminar on Nature, Science and Art

On the occasion of the award of the International Carlo Scarpa Prize for Gardens to the Memorial Park at Kongenshus, the Benetton Foundation organised a public seminar on Nature, Science and Art,…

The paths by Pikionis opposite the Athens Acropolis

public ceremony for presentation of the Carlo Scarpa Prize

During the public meeting  the Carlo Scarpa seal was  presented to Agni Pikionis. Haris Kalligas gave  the official speech.

The Fresneda in the Escorial

public ceremony for presentation of the Carlo Scarpa Prize

Teatro Accademico, Castelfranco Veneto