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public presentation

The Foundation presents to the public, the photography book THE LAND THAT REMAINS by Federico Busonero. The images, and texts that accompany them, by Anne Sanciaud-Azanza, Giovanni Fontana Antonelli, in…

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Early music at casa Cozzi. Mimesis, from sign to sound

presentation of the fourth season

In January 2017 the fourth edition of the Early Music project at casa Cozzi will kick off, organised by Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche and almamusica433. At the scheduled lecture, the…

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Outstanding places, many years of research, a book

Public presentation

Luoghi di valore. Un’esperienza nel territorio di Treviso, nel solco della Convenzione Europea del Paesaggio / Outstanding Places. An experiment in the Province of Treviso, in the wake of the…


Is the purpose of geography to make war?

an exhibition of maps and art

The exhibition of the Foundation, “Is the purpose of geography to make war?” opens on Saturday 5 November at 6pm. Representation of human beings, edited by Massimo Rossi and with…

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Imago Mundi

Presentation of the collection New Zealand: Kiwi Consciousness. Contemporary Artists from New Zealand

Presentation of the collection New Zealand: Kiwi Consciousness. Contemporary Artists from New Zealand by Imago Mundi, the non-profit contemporary art project promoted by Luciano Benetton, under the auspices of Fondazione…

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Chiesa di Santa Caterina a Treviso

Se la face ay pale

nuova produzione concertistica. Replica domenica 9 ottobre a Venezia

Debutta la nuova produzione concertistica della Messa Se la face ay pale di Guillaume Du Fay (1397-1474), esito del laboratorio internazionale di Canto e musica medievale guidato da Claudia Caffagni…

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Landscape designer: recounting a trade

public lecture

It is considered a privilege to be a landscape designer. A wonderful trade, young and lively which seen from different angles always shows surprising and fascinating aspects. Naturally, it is…

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An architect in the landscape. Georges Descombes

the screening of the film Un architecte dans le paysage by Carlos López, with an introduction by the director

What space does or urban environment offer to our imagination, to our emotions…to our humanity? This theme is central to the work of Georges Descombes. From the road in the…