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Silent voices. Images of singing in iconographic evidence


After the end of the winter concert season, the Early music at casa Cozzi project, organised by Fondazione Benetton and almamusica433, continues with a calendar of events scheduled until the…

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Quod agendum? Rosario Assunto, between report and design


Giuseppe Barbera and Massimo Venturi Ferriolo, members of the Foundation’s Scientific Committee, will present – together with Piero Zanetov, Rosario Assunto’s grandson, Sofia Varoli Piazza, architect, and Marco Tamaro, the…

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auditorium della Fondazione Benetton

A Pill to purge Melancholie

concert with Friederike Heumann, viola da gamba

Viola da gamba takes the centre stage of the concert season offered by the Early music at casa Cozzi project, organised by Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche and by almamusica433. In…

Madre · museo d’arte contemporanea Donnaregina, Naples

Doni. Authors from Campania

Imago Mundi – Luciano Benetton Collection

A cross-section of Campania’s most spontaneous and contemporary creativity through the works of 143 artists: Imago Mundi pays tribute to Campania with Doni, an exhibition that will be on show…

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palazzo dei Trecento

Bach eMotion

concert with Xavier Díaz-Latorre, liute, e Tanja Skok, dance

Bach eMotion is a solo concert and a solo dance performance joined together. Xavier Díaz-Latorre is playing baroque lute presenting works by Johann Sebastian Bach and Jean-Féry Rebel and Silvius…

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Curare la terra/Caring for the land

public presentation of the book

Curare la terra. Luoghi, pratiche, esperienze/Caring for the land. Places, practices, experiences: this is the title of the new book of the Foundation, a collective work edited by Patrizia Boschiero,…

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Teatro Eden

Like as the Lute

Lecture and concert with Emma Kirkby

The Early music at casa Cozzi project, organised by the Foundation and by almamusica 433, offers two unmissable events in March, whose star is one of the most celebrated singers…

Palermo, Zisa, Zona Arti Contemporanee

Mediterranean Routes

Imago Mundi – Luciano Benetton Collection

The Mediterranean Sea, an ancient crossroads of civilizations, cultures and histories. Dedicated to the peoples of this common space, Mediterranean Routes is an exhibition of Imago Mundi collections from the…

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Prati, commons

places of public life in the urban landscape

programme of the days

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Music by Bach and Weiss


The concert season organised as part of the Early music at casa Cozzi project will be inaugurated on Saturday, January 28th at 9pm with the celebrated and award-winning Swedish lutenist…