Is the purpose of geography to make war?
an exhibition of maps and art
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The exhibition of the Foundation, “Is the purpose of geography to make war?” opens on Saturday 5 November at 6pm. Representation of human beings, edited by Massimo Rossi and with set-up by Fabrica, where maps, atlases and works of art, through three layouts – Rocks and waters, Human signs, War maps – closely linked and that remain in constant dialogue, speak of the great communicative and persuasive force of geographic maps.
The opening will feature speeches by Senator Franco Marini, president of the Historical-scientific committee for anniversaries of national interest, Massimo Rossi, curator of the exhibition, Marco Tamaro, director of the Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche, and Carlo Tunioli, managing director of Fabrica.
The numerous themes and concepts addressed will be examined in-depth in the book that accompanies the exhibition, published by the Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche with Antiga Edizioni and with graphic design by Fabrica.
In addition, a series of conferences, spread over the entire period of the exhibition opening, will analyse through eight events, with many experts in different disciplines, other points of view on the relationship between geography and the Great War.
The exhibition is open from Tuesday to Friday, 3pm – 8pm, and on Saturday and Sunday, 10am – 8pm.
Regular entry: 7 euro, discounted entry: 5 euro, school discount: 3 euro.
Entry to conferences: free.