Dura Europos, Syria

public study seminar on the Prize-winning site and its context
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The seminar will be coordinated by Domenico Luciani (Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche), with contributions from: Pierre Leriche, French director of the Franco-Syrian Mission in Europos Dura; Amir Alhaio, Syrian director of the Franco-Syrian Mission in Europos Dura; Ted Kaizer, University of Durham; Arnaldo Marcone, Università degli Studi Roma Tre; Lucio Milano, Università di Venezia; Ségolène de Pontbriand, Franco-Syrian Mission in Europos Dura.

Hasan Khaddour, Chargé d’Affaires ad interim of the Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic in Rome, and Atyeh Isber, Honorary Consul of the Syrian Arab Republic in Milan.

The seminar is open to other contributions and considerations.