Lionello Puppi Collection
Lionello Puppi, art historian, dealt with historical issues of the figurative arts, architecture, the city, garden and landscape in Italy and in Europe from the 14th to the 20th century, also tackling methodological, iconographic and iconological issues of historical and artistic discipline, and expanding his field of interest to include architecture, town planning and the visual arts in Latin America between the 18th and the 20th century. His bibliography includes over one thousand titles of books and essays published on the main international scientific magazines. His works include many books on Palladio, Sanmicheli, Canaletto, Codussi, El Greco, Niemeyer, on iconological issues and critical editions involving the history of artistic techniques, collecting, museology and historiography.
He was professor of History of Architecture and Town Planning at the University of Padua and of History of Modern Art and Art History Methodology at the University of Venice.
He chaired the jury of the International Carlo Scarpa Garden Prize and was a member of the Scientific Committee of Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche.
Contents of the collection
The documentation in the collection mainly deals with study and research activity, teaching and the scientific curatorship of cultural events (exhibitions, conferences and series of lectures). His relationships with foreign scholars and institutions are also well documented, as well as, in part, his political activity. The collection roughly contains: 11.500 monograph titles, including essays and articles concerning the scholar’s bibliography, 600 bachelor and PhD theses, over 3,000 extracts including many gifts from colleagues, 280 single folders of periodical titles; 250 graphical documents including posters, leaflets and design materials, many thousand of photographs. The documentation that is strictly connected to scientific work, provisionally divided into 440 folders and estimated to be more 30 metre long, includes: manuscripts, typescripts and drafts (and sometimes the relevant preparatory documents) of published or still unpublished texts; correspondence with entities and people including, by way of example, the Universities of Venice and Padua, Accademia Olimpica, Fondazione Mazzotti, The International Centre of Architecture Studies Centro Andrea Palladio; folders concerning assignments or projects; students’ essays and scholars’ curricula with enclosed publications; photographic materials functional to study and publication, about many thousand items.
Research instruments
Library catalogue (for published materials, bachelor’s degree theses, periodicals, writings of Lionello Puppi held); various lists drawn up by the documentation centre and available in foundation including: list of archival papers, list of graphical material (posters and placards), lists of extracts, list of uncatalogued periodicals.
Accessibility conditions
The collection may be consulted, through written request, with the director’s authorisation and according to the archive rules. Individual published documents may be freely consulted and are accessible through the library catalogue.
Methods for acquisition
The collection was gifted by Lionello Puppi in 2003 and is constantly increased with various deliveries until 2017.
The data contained on this page was updated on March 20th 2020.