Bodies, landscapes

International Landscape Study Days 2021, seventeenth edition
-, from
online on Zoom

Our bodily presence in a place and the tangible experience of physical reality are one of the reasons we feel we belong in what we call the landscape. At this unprecedented moment in our history, when physical distances and the power of virtual images appear to be heading in opposite directions, the 2021 Study Days explore and revisit events and reflections on landscape culture and practice, where the body is considered an active presence, an essential part of a world which is transformed and reveals itself to us through our physical state. Without neglecting the clear desire for nature that permeates our society.

The days are divided into four sessions entitled in the imagination; in urban space, in the home; in the landscapein the garden respectively. The intent is not to separate spheres and contexts which, by their very nature, are inextricably linked, but to suggest, with keywords, possible avenues to explore, following fundamental directions which we use to organise our presence in places.


Thursday 18th February, 5 pm

opening and introduction to the study days, Luigi Latini and Simonetta Zanon

Bodies, landscapes, screening of the short film by Marco Zuin which explores the themes of the Study Days

In the imagination, first session

Marc Treib, Reception/Perception: Sensing the Landscape

Nicolas Vamvouklis, Performing Landscapes: Presence and the Corporeal in Contemporary Artistic Practices

Massimo Bartolini e Matteo Frittelli, The Black Circle Square in the landscape of Emscher Park


Friday 19th February, 5 pm

In urban space, in the home, second session

Cristina Bianchetti, From urban planning of places to urban planning of bodies

Luca Molinari, The body in our domestic space. Reflections on the present

Francesco Careri, Nomad alternatives for life in the city


Thursday 25th February, 5 pm

In the landscape, third session

Matteo Meschiari, Landscapes and bodies of Anthropocene

Marco Mulazzani, The walking forest. Burial sites of German soldiers 1920 1970

Cristina Barbiani, Human landscapes by Anna and Lawrence Halprin

Breath made visible. Revolution in dance, online screening of the documentary by Ruedi Gerber (USA, 2010, length 100’)


Friday 26th February, 5 pm

In the garden, fourth session

Marcello Di Paola, Landscapes as gardens: the hybrids, blends, chimeras and deserts of Anthropocene

Véronique Faucheur and Marc Pouzol, The art of making gardens: a choreography

Monique Mosser, The metamorphosis of bodies in gardens


The following will take part in the Study Days:

Cristina Barbiani, scientific director of the master’s degree course in Digital Exhibit atIuav University of Venice;

Massimo Bartolini, artist, Cecina (Livorno);

Cristina Bianchetti, lecturer in Urbanism at the Polytechnic of Turin;

Francesco Careri, lecturer in the Department of Architecture at Roma Tre University, co-founder of the Stalker collective, an urban art laboratory;

Marcello Di Paola, environmental philosopher, University of Palermo and Loyola University Chicago JFRC;

Veronique Faucheur, landscape architect, atelier le balto, Berlin;

Matteo Frittelli, director, founder of the Alto Piano studio, Milan;

Matteo Meschiari, anthropologist, lecturer in Geography at the University of Palermo;

Luca Molinari, lecturer in Architectural Theory and Design at the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, scientific director of the M9 Museum in Mestre;

Monique Mosser, art and garden historian, Paris;

Marco Mulazzani, lecturer in the History of Architectureat the University of Ferrara;

Marc Pouzol, landscape architect, atelier le balto, Berlin;

Marc Treib, Professor of Architecture Emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley;

NicolasVamvouklis, contemporary art curator, director of K-Gold Temporary Gallery, Greece;

Marco Zuin, director, Treviso.