The wild apple forests of the Tien Shan
public study seminar on the Prize-winning site and its context
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This is an opportunity, provided by a group of experts from different disciplines, to get to know the site and its history, its natural and cultural idiosyncrasies, the historical-geographical context and the connections with contemporary problems regarding agronomic, landscape, biological and ecological aspects.
Introduction and coordination by Patrizia Boschiero and Luigi Latini
Catherine Peix (Alma Association, Paris), In the wild apple forests of the Tien Shan:
the places, the trees, the animals in history and the culture
Tatiana Salova (agronomist, Bolshoe Isakovo, Russia), The human and scientific story
of Aimak Dzangaliev (1913-2009)
Natalya Ogar (Academy of Sciences, Almaty), The Tien Shan mountain system
in the historic, geographical and landscape context of Kazakhstan
Joan Vicente i Rufí (Universitat de Girona), The silk roads as a geopolitical factor:
past, present and future
Évelyne Leterme (Conservatoire Végétal Régional d’Aquitaine), The meeting
of agriculture, ecology and biodiversity. Apple growing in France
Massimo Tagliavini (Libera Università di Bolzano), Intensive apple cultivation:
balancing profitability with ecological sustainability
Ann Tutwiler (Bioversity International), Natural and cultural biodiversity.
International policies and experiences
Giuseppe Barbera (Università di Palermo), Apple tree landscapes
The Foundation’s Scientific Committee will also be taking part. The discussion will be open to the public.